FHSWIN - Help Information

This folder gathers much information that should be helpful for the Family History System user. This is the information that can be accessed locally by the FHS Main Menu option "About/Help" after this downloadable FHSWIN-HELP folder has been placed in the FHSWIN (FHSW2018) Program folder.
Manuals - Documents describing both the last (1997) update to the DOS version of FHS and the developing FHSWIN version.

Getting Started - A web-style document describing the Installation of the software, an Introduction to the style of the user interface, the creation of an FHS family file or identification of the location of one or more existing FHS family files that you will be working with, the steps for Entering or Updating information in a family file, and steps for producing reports from the entered Data.

FORMS - online style documentation describing the operation of FHSWIN in terms of the Visible interface with the program

REPORTS - Samples of many of the reports and charts that FHSWIN can produce.

Sharing Data - A process for sharing FHS family reports with others.